Nanunnaki and illuminati at war now pdf

Now if god supposedly created us then hes our creator and we call him god. Several tons of this highly toxic material are now present in the earths environment from nuclear testing and from the trinity and nagasaki bombs. In these days when the infiltration of all parties, classes, and. Many historical and scriptural findings not included in the canonical bible, have now come to light. Operation human freedom is underway, and planetary regime change has begun.

The whore is the illuminati, zionists, globalists, the bankstersthe powers who control the new world order. The marxistzionist whore illuminati that rides the beast. Roswell aliens want war in syria to gain access to powerful anunnaki ruins. The anunnaki and the illuminati are at war at this very moment.

This shift imposed a blackout not only of the very human nature of the anunnaki gods but also of humanitys own ancient past on earth. Anunnaki and illuminati at war now operation human freedom. I gave some stats earlier which stated that europeans white. The host of heaven is ousting the power elite of earth on the basis of human rights violations. We could really just tell you the truth and let the fraternity off the conspiratorial hook, but its too much fun watching the ignorant masses squirm and lend so much power and importance to the oldest fraternity in the world. Aug 06, 2016 a book that is an ancient jewish religious work, the book of enoch is the tradition of enoch, and is closely tied to noah. Anunnaki and illuminati at war now internet archive. Buy the graphic booknovel online a graphic novel, from the. The civil war in syria and the impotence of international politics. Trilogy is a series of three novels by american writers robert shea and robert anton wilson, first published in 1975. The authors main premise is that many thousands of years ago an ancient war took place in our planet with advanced weapons.

As you already know, noah was in charge of saving all the worlds animals, and it was his greatgrandfather who wrote the book of enoch. Apr 04, 2012 now if god supposedly created us then hes our creator and we call him god. D the ink wasnt dry on the versailles peace treaty before the illuminati started work on world war two by building up adolf hitler and the nazi party. If you love someone, truly love them, youll never harm them. If we created white folks then couldnt it be safe to say that we are in fact their creators aka gods. In the earliest sumerian writings about them, which come. Then enlil, enkis brother, took over as commander of earth, instating a solegod theocracy and a war against the clan of enki and humanity for spoiling the anunnaki bloodlines through interbreeding. Illuminati is to foment a global war, or world war iii, from which will emerge, out of the ashes of the expired civilizations of our time, like a phoenix from the fire, a new world order.

For now, they keep a low profile by usually only appearing to semiliterate trailer park dwellers or weird out of the box thinkers like myself who few other mortals are going to take seriously anyway. Clarks book is, for the most part, an interested read, if not always a coherent one. The anunnaki the short form of the term in sumerian is anunna were a group of gods known from religious texts and myths from ancient mesopotamia namely, the sumerians, akkadians, babylonians. Productions is a blackdeath metal record label located in the bay. The antinwo gods are ousting the evil power elite of earth on the basis of human rights violations spanning thousands of years. As stated anton parks, the only heavenly place mentioned in the tablets as the anunnas one is the duku and, in the sumerian mythology, enki did not flee to nibiru, but to africa, specifically to egypt. Enqi suggested that a being be created that would be the abd meaning servants of the anunnaki and work the mines for them. Anunnaki aliens rule planet earth by janet kira lessin.

Secret illuminati book the great controversy between christ and satan refers to the anunnaki as well. If i dont survive, its up to you to follow the plan. Jan 03, 2018 the sitchin thesis sitchinism, now embraced by numerous other writers, who have incorporated it into what is apparently a new worldview, essentially asserts that these ancient sumerobabylonian gods, the anunnaki, are aliens from the planet nibiru sitchins 12th planet, which passes by the earth every 3,500 years or so, at. It is the tale of mankinds corruption and the subsequent cleansing of the world by the flood weapon. Civilians play an increasingly important and complex role in armed conflicts, both as victims and as perpetrators. But the following is the most logical, and comes in the form of evolution theory of humans forming from apes does not make any sense.

Feb 24, 2008 the annunaki founded all shadow organizations to control mankind, one of which is the illuminati, and another is the freemasons. And if were lucky within the game well find love, experience love, enjoy it and have fun now and again, get some laughs along the way. Apr 04, 2012 i highly doubt that the annunaki would be nubian in any way. Strange pulsating light captured by hospitals cctv in alicante, spain. Jubilees, among others is now widely available and, when synthesized and correlated with existing documents like the bible and quran, merits rethinking western civilizations origins and intent. I find it interesting that marduk is an anunnaki, the son of enki. Cuneiform tablets were found in iraq with depictions of deities alongside a stargate. Annunaki aliens history those of royal blood annunaki. A key underpinning of the sitchin paradigm is the existence, now or in the past, of the tenth planet in our solar system, the home planet of the anunnaki with the size, orbit, and characteristics described, as sitchin has demonstrated, in the enuma elish and corroborated by harrington, former chief of the u. The sumerians also had advanced knowledge of the solar system due to their relationship with the annunaki.

The anunnaki remnants, which included ducaz, perssires, masakaras and other smaller groups, like all consciousnesses on the earth, reincarnate again and again. This is a great temple of the illuminati were you find, riches, power and fame, are you a business man or woman, are you a pastor or politicians or a lecturer,footballer, are you a student or graduate, what so ever you be in all over the world dose not matter to us, what matter a lot to us is to see you happy and rich, we are giving you the. Prepare yourself for a profound beliefchallenging journey through ancient persia, sumer, greece. Roswell aliens want war in syria to gain access to. The gulf war and the new world order social history portal. The year of pluto new horizons documentary brings humanity closer to the edge of the solar system duration. Illuminatifreemasons,,america founded by the big white wig wearing secret society that ruled the colonies,, illuminati familiesbloodlines, a satanic secret society founded by the anunnakifallen angels,, starsstripes on flag, marilyn monroejfkrfk alleged killings by the nephilim secret society for revelation of information. I really love how nonmasons read a few books and websites about freemasonry and think they have the whole thing figured out. Feb 15, 20 the year of pluto new horizons documentary brings humanity closer to the edge of the solar system duration. The anunnaki feared there was going to be a war between the two brothers and their people, which would have destroyed the planet earth.

It is believed that around 445,000 years ago, ancient astronauts from another planet in the cosmos came to earth in search of gold. I gave some stats earlier which stated that europeans white europeans were as science now understand created 70% asian and 30% african. Buy the graphic booknovel online a graphic novel, from. It is worth noting that humans such as the illuminati bloodline are more like 112th reptilian. The earliest known usages of the term anunnaki come from inscriptions written during the reign of gudea c. Also im aware that enki the half brother of enlil is the true creator of humankind. William guy carr, a noted author who had a distinguished career as a canadian naval officer, including outstanding service during world war ii, in this work of. The annunaki are said to be the creators of modern day humans.

Keukenhof virtually open gardener daan shows you beach garden, mill forest and the. The coming confrontation is being presented as a clash of civilizations, between the liberal democratic west and islamic fundamentalism. Myths and realities of anunnaki, reptilians, planet nibiru. Along with him were cast down many billions of dragos, but i commanded archangel michael and others of my archangels to fight and to subdue them and to round them up and. The third world war must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences.

Anunnaki and illuminati at war now operation hum david. At present, just like for you, i cannot afford to eat every day. How are the freemasons and annunaki and illuminati connected. A book that is an ancient jewish religious work, the book of enoch is the tradition of enoch, and is closely tied to noah. Amnesty international is a global movement of more than 7 million people who campaign for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all. Altered human brain 4 the ancestor races intend to destroy every last living cell on the planet with the mass release of nuclear energy, radiation and waste. While the news is reporting this or than skirmish and efforts by the anunnaki to create chaos, out of chaos comes order the world is busy being misled into believing that wars on planet earth are created by countries and their socalled rulers when in reality this is a war of the worlds. Jews are simply a shield used by their anunnaki rulers. In sumer, the secret and aquatic temple of enki is called abzu while in. If enki finds me he wont hesitate to destroy this place. Seeing as this being the case does that mean that todays bibles character satanlucifer is. Nubian or black features would not make sense whatsoever.

Choose from 2 styles, sizes for all, and bundle with the graphic novel 25% off book price. The plain of the land of shinar is the territory which after 2,000 b. A regularly updated map on the armed conflict and the control of cities and border posts is offered by the website political geography now. The ancient ones had come from the stars many eons earlier and had established an extremely advanced culture the anunnaki, although initially accepted, and very technologically advanced themselves. We say this because we know that the statue of liberty is actually the artistsculptures vision of ishtar, the goddess of babylon. There will be several layers of mass casualties all tailored to fit off world appetites for appeasement of ancient arguments and wars. The anunnaki also transcribed as anunaki, annunaki, anunna, ananaki, and other variations are a group of deities who appear in the mythological traditions of the ancient sumerians, akkadians, assyrians, and babylonians. The war of antichrist with the church and christian civilization is a book written in 1885 by an irishman, msgr george f. The tablets also offer insight into the origin of life.

Norbert wiener discusses this topic in his book god and golem. Get your wife, take my friends here, and leave the city. Secret illuminati book the great controversy between. In popular contemporary culture and shows like ancient aliens, the anunnaki are considered by some to be ancient aliens who visited earth, or the nephilim of the bible. Thank you satanic elite for proving me right david icke yesterday at 11. Annu instructed, himself visibly shaken by this news. Much like the bible, the book of enoch is really a series of different books. In the earliest texts, the term is applied to the most powerful and important deities in the sumerian pantheon.

Illuminati freemasons,,america founded by the big white wig wearing secret society that ruled the colonies,, illuminati familiesbloodlines, a satanic secret society founded by the anunnaki fallen angels,, starsstripes on flag, marilyn monroejfkrfk alleged killings by the nephilim secret society for revelation of information. The sitchin thesis sitchinism, now embraced by numerous other writers, who have incorporated it into what is apparently a new worldview, essentially asserts that these ancient sumerobabylonian gods, the anunnaki, are aliens from the planet nibiru sitchins 12th planet, which passes by the earth every 3,500 years or so, at. Descriptions of how many anunnaki there were and what role they fulfilled are inconsistent and often contradictory. This makes the statue of liberty the largest idol ever made by human hands. An ancient war that involved nuclear weapons during part of the pyramid wars.

War of antichrist with the church and christian civilization. Whenever this situation pisses me off which quite is often i remind myself that there are countless others who are way worse off that is always a sobering thought. Leaked nwo annunaki website the true story of revelation 12. Contents acknowledgments 8 introduction by tera thomas 11 cast of characters and places 14 parti. Access to texts such as the lost book of enoch, the nag hamadi gospels, and the book of jubilees,among others is now widely available and, when synthesized and correlated with existing documents like the bible and quran, merits rethinking western civilizations origins and intent. Chapter title bonn international center for conversion. The annunaki those of royal blood are believed to be immortal gods that inhabited the earth during the ancient sumerian time in mesopotamia. In the fourteen tablets of enki one of the ancient annunaki gods the history of the anunnaki is explained in great detail.

Secret illuminati book the great controversy between christ. There came a war in heaven in the late winter and spring of 2006, just as my servant, linda newkirk, has told you in the writings of revelation twelve, and satan was cast down. After watching a clandestinely filmed tv video about bohemian grove in california, which claims that many of the most important men of earth, members of the cartel illuminati, attend and participate in pagan ceremonies, one woman viewer dedicates herself to find any connection between the illuminati and the anunnaki of the planet nibiru, as portrayed in many modern books. This research paper is part of a larger project examining the role of external actors in war economies in subsahara africa, and. Badclown rising thefarmbureau mind virus yesterday at 6. The sumerian civilisation developed on the persian gulf, growing to strength at around 4 3,000 b. The atrahasis the tablet of the covenant the tablet of the covenant is based upon the babylonian epic of atrahasis ziusudra in sumerian.

Mar 11, 2017 then enlil, enkis brother, took over as commander of earth, instating a solegod theocracy and a war against the clan of enki and humanity for spoiling the anunnaki bloodlines through interbreeding. Mobi illuminati world war 3 the end of america and. I know this is a very broad subject but my main question stands as such. Access to texts such as the lost book of enoch, the nag hamadi gospels, and the book of jubilees, among others is now widely available and, when synthesized and correlated with existing documents like the bible and quran, merits rethinking western civilizations origins. The statue of liberty is the woman being described in revelation 1718 and especially 17. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means including photocopying, recording, or. To buttress this premise the author highlights various locales that were targets within the ancient war such as sodom, gomorrah. I am honored when another places trust in me, so therefore i am trustworthy. Aug 03, 20 the anunnaki of nibiru mankinds forgotten enslavers, destroyers, saviours and hidden architects of the new world order gerald clark, msee psi mr.

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